The UK government announced a programme to support carbon capture and storage projects. But opinions differ on whether this is an appropriate use of public money in terms of reducing emissions.
The European Commission has published a very useful new guide to support procurement of social value in the public sector -but much of it is relevant to private sector firms who are pursuing sustianability and purpose too.
Jacqui Archer is developing Postive Impact Commerce ratings to help organisations understand where they are in terms of sustainable and purposeful buisness performance.
CISP conference debate with leading firms gives good advice on sustainable procurement and addresses the issue of whether collaboration might get in the way of competition in this area.
The founders of the Procurement with Purpose website - plus two great guest speakers - will be talking about key sustainable procurement issues on September 30th at the Vizibl Collaborate virtual conferecne. Register now!
David Gigg works in the UK government Cabinet Office and has been helping to fight modern slavery, driving government suppleirs to take action themselves.