The UK came close to electricity demand exceeding supply last week. Is the rush towards decarbonisation of the power network threatening supply continuity?
CISP conference debate with leading firms gives good advice on sustainable procurement and addresses the issue of whether collaboration might get in the way of competition in this area.
David Gigg works in the UK government Cabinet Office and has been helping to fight modern slavery, driving government suppleirs to take action themselves.
Unilever has been a true leader in sustainable procurement for some years now. In our interview, two of the firm’s procurement leaders explain how this success has been achieved.
Interview with Russell Picot - changing the nature of company reporting to focus more on climate change and sustainability risks could drive huge change
David Shields, with the Contract for Change initiative, under the auspices of Social Value UK, is bringing his great energy and drive to UK public sector procurement with purpose.
The concern is that the positive steps we have seen in recent years around sustainable and purposeful procurement will go into reverse. Who cares about de-forestation or modern slavery when millions of jobs in the developed world are at stake?