The UK came close to electricity demand exceeding supply last week. Is the rush towards decarbonisation of the power network threatening supply continuity?
The European Commission has published a very useful new guide to support procurement of social value in the public sector -but much of it is relevant to private sector firms who are pursuing sustianability and purpose too.
Ninian Wilson, procurement leader at Vodafone, explains what the firm is doing around diveristy, inclusion and sustainability - internally and with suppliers..
Procurement with purpose is powerful because of the collaborative and multiplicative effects. Buyers are also sellers, and vice versa, so as more and more organisations embrace these concepts, good ideas and good practice will spread rapidly.
The Dasgupta Review - “The Economics of Biodiversity” - looks at how we could value the assets of the natural world in an economic sense. That would drive conservation and sustainability.
Jacqui Archer is developing Postive Impact Commerce ratings to help organisations understand where they are in terms of sustainable and purposeful buisness performance.